MYTHS ABOUT NOTRE-DAME: iconoclasm, colonialism and the nation
Ivan Foletti

We warmly invite you to the opening lecture by Prof. Ivan Foletti, which will once again launch our traditional StředověC JinaX lecture series for this semester.

A BYZANTINE CENTURY: Reassessing Neo-Byzantine Style from Paris to Algiers to Tiflis – and Beyond (CA. 1800 – 1920)

Dear colleagues, we cordially invite you to the international conference A BYZANTINE CENTURY, which will take place on 10-11 December in the Hans Belting Library.

Opravdový středověk? Umění & ideologie v 19. století

Book launch for Opravdový středověk? Umění & ideologie v 19. století (The Real Middle Ages? Art & Ideology in the 19th Century) will take place on the 20th November at 18:00 at Institut Paměti národa in Brno.

Centre for Early Medieval Studies

Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts

tel: +420 549 497 157

HQ: Centre for Early Medieval Studies, Veveří 470/28, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

mailing address: Department of Art History, Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts, Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic