Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We cordially invite you to the panel exhibition Dražší než krev, milejší než život | Ohrožené dědictví Náhorního Karabachu [“Dearer than Blood, Dearer than Life” | Menaced Heritage of Nagorno-Karabakh].

The opening ceremony with the participation of the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia H.E. Mr. Ashot Hovakimian, will take place on July 3 at 5:30 pm on the ground floor of the Mahen Library in Brno. Entrance to the event will be through the Information Center.

The panel exhibition commemorates cultural monuments in Nagorno-Karabakh – the historical region of medieval Artsakh. The selected buildings represent the tip of the iceberg of a highly endangered cultural heritage linked to the unique art of medieval Armenia and, by extension, the entire Caucasus.

Long-standing disputes over the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh resulted in the annexation of this territory to Azerbaijan in the last year. The historical objects are in undeniable danger after the official dissolution of Nagorno-Karabakh and the annexation of the territory to Azerbaijan on January 1, 2024. Either they will be destroyed by lack of care or deliberately by the hand of man.

For most of us, medieval buildings are mute witnesses to history and the injustices that have befallen the inhabitants of the Caucasus. But through the narration of art historians, they speak. They tell a story of pain and sorrow but also recall more auspicious times when the Caucasus was an incredible cultural, religious and social crossroads. If we listen carefully, we can hear the hope for a better tomorrow in these memories.

The panel exhibition is executed by the Center for Early Medieval Studies in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Czech Republic, and financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia.

We look forward to seeing you.